Source code for mriqc.reports.individual

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"""Encapsulates report generation functions."""
from mriqc import messages

[docs]def individual_html(in_iqms, in_plots=None, api_id=None): import datetime from json import load from pathlib import Path from .. import config from import IndividualTemplate from ..reports import REPORT_TITLES from ..reports.utils import iqms2html, read_report_snippet from ..utils.misc import BIDS_COMP def _get_details(in_iqms, modality): in_prov = in_iqms.pop("provenance", {}) warn_dict = in_prov.pop("warnings", None) sett_dict = in_prov.pop("settings", None) wf_details = [] if modality == "bold": bold_exclude_index = in_iqms.get("dumb_trs") if bold_exclude_index is None: config.loggers.cli.warning( "Building bold report: no exclude index was found" ) elif bold_exclude_index > 0: msg = """\ <span class="problematic">Non-steady state (strong T1 contrast) has been detected in the \ first {} volumes</span>. They were excluded before generating any QC measures and plots.""" wf_details.append(msg.format(bold_exclude_index)) wf_details.append( "Framewise Displacement was computed using <code>3dvolreg</code> (AFNI)" ) fd_thres = sett_dict.pop("fd_thres") if fd_thres is not None: wf_details.append( "Framewise Displacement threshold was defined at %f mm" % fd_thres ) elif modality in ("T1w", "T2w"): if warn_dict.pop("small_air_mask", False): wf_details.append( '<span class="problematic">Detected hat mask was too small</span>' ) if warn_dict.pop("large_rot_frame", False): wf_details.append( '<span class="problematic">Detected a zero-filled frame, has the original ' "image been rotated?</span>" ) return in_prov, wf_details, sett_dict in_iqms = Path(in_iqms) with as jsonfile: iqms_dict = load(jsonfile) # Now, the in_iqms file should be correctly named out_file = str(Path(in_iqms.with_suffix(".html").name).resolve()) # Extract and prune metadata metadata = iqms_dict.pop("bids_meta", None) mod = metadata.pop("modality", None) prov, wf_details, _ = _get_details(iqms_dict, mod) file_id = [metadata.pop(k, None) for k in list(BIDS_COMP.keys())] file_id = [comp for comp in file_id if comp is not None] if in_plots is None: in_plots = [] else: if any(("melodic_reportlet" in k for k in in_plots)): REPORT_TITLES["bold"].insert(3, ("ICA components", "ica-comps")) if any(("plot_spikes" in k for k in in_plots)): REPORT_TITLES["bold"].insert(3, ("Spikes", "spikes")) in_plots = [ (REPORT_TITLES[mod][i] + (read_report_snippet(v),)) for i, v in enumerate(in_plots) ] pred_qa = None # metadata.pop('mriqc_pred', None) _config = { "modality": mod, "dataset": metadata.pop("dataset", None), "bids_name": in_iqms.with_suffix("").name, "timestamp":"%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"), "version": config.environment.version, "imparams": iqms2html(iqms_dict, "iqms-table"), "svg_files": in_plots, "workflow_details": wf_details, "webapi_url": prov.pop("webapi_url"), "webapi_port": prov.pop("webapi_port"), "provenance": iqms2html(prov, "provenance-table"), "md5sum": prov["md5sum"], "metadata": iqms2html(metadata, "metadata-table"), "pred_qa": pred_qa, } if _config["metadata"] is None: _config["workflow_details"].append( '<span class="warning">File has no metadata</span> ' "<span>(sidecar JSON file missing or empty)</span>" ) tpl = IndividualTemplate() tpl.generate_conf(_config, out_file) end_message = messages.INDIVIDUAL_REPORT_GENERATED.format(out_file=out_file) return out_file