Source code for mriqc.workflows.functional.base

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Functional workflow

.. image :: _static/functional_workflow_source.svg

The functional workflow follows the following steps:

#. Sanitize (revise data types and xforms) input data, read
   associated metadata and discard non-steady state frames.
#. :abbr:`HMC (head-motion correction)` based on ``3dvolreg`` from
   AFNI -- :py:func:`hmc`.
#. Skull-stripping of the time-series (AFNI) --
#. Calculate mean time-series, and :abbr:`tSNR (temporal SNR)`.
#. Spatial Normalization to MNI (ANTs) -- :py:func:`epi_mni_align`
#. Extraction of IQMs -- :py:func:`compute_iqms`.
#. Individual-reports generation --

This workflow is orchestrated by :py:func:`fmri_qc_workflow`.
from mriqc import config
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from mriqc.interfaces.datalad import DataladIdentityInterface
from mriqc.workflows.functional.output import init_func_report_wf

[docs]def fmri_qc_workflow(name="funcMRIQC"): """ Initialize the (f)MRIQC workflow. .. workflow:: import os.path as op from mriqc.workflows.functional.base import fmri_qc_workflow from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = fmri_qc_workflow() """ from nipype.algorithms.confounds import TSNR, NonSteadyStateDetector from nipype.interfaces.afni import TStat from niworkflows.interfaces.header import SanitizeImage from mriqc.messages import BUILDING_WORKFLOW workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) mem_gb = config.workflow.biggest_file_gb dataset = config.workflow.inputs.get("bold", []) message = BUILDING_WORKFLOW.format( modality="functional", detail=( f"for {len(dataset)} NIfTI files." if len(dataset) > 2 else f"({' and '.join(('<%s>' % v for v in dataset))})." ), ) # Define workflow, inputs and outputs # 0. Get data, put it in RAS orientation inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["in_file"]), name="inputnode") inputnode.iterables = [("in_file", dataset)] datalad_get = pe.Node( DataladIdentityInterface(fields=["in_file"], dataset_path=config.execution.bids_dir), name="datalad_get", ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["qc", "mosaic", "out_group", "out_dvars", "out_fd"]), name="outputnode", ) non_steady_state_detector = pe.Node(NonSteadyStateDetector(), name="non_steady_state_detector") sanitize = pe.Node(SanitizeImage(), name="sanitize", mem_gb=mem_gb * 4.0) sanitize.inputs.max_32bit = config.execution.float32 # Workflow -------------------------------------------------------- # 1. HMC: head motion correct hmcwf = hmc() # Set HMC settings hmcwf.inputs.inputnode.fd_radius = config.workflow.fd_radius # 2. Compute mean fmri mean = pe.Node( TStat(options="-mean", outputtype="NIFTI_GZ"), name="mean", mem_gb=mem_gb * 1.5, ) # EPI to MNI registration ema = epi_mni_align() # Compute TSNR using nipype implementation tsnr = pe.Node(TSNR(), name="compute_tsnr", mem_gb=mem_gb * 2.5) # 7. Compute IQMs iqmswf = compute_iqms() # Reports func_report_wf = init_func_report_wf() # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, datalad_get, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (inputnode, func_report_wf, [ ("in_file", "inputnode.name_source"), ]), (datalad_get, iqmswf, [("in_file", "inputnode.in_file")]), (datalad_get, sanitize, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (datalad_get, non_steady_state_detector, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (non_steady_state_detector, sanitize, [("n_volumes_to_discard", "n_volumes_to_discard")]), (sanitize, hmcwf, [("out_file", "inputnode.in_file")]), (hmcwf, mean, [("outputnode.out_file", "in_file")]), (hmcwf, tsnr, [("outputnode.out_file", "in_file")]), (mean, ema, [("out_file", "inputnode.epi_mean")]), (sanitize, iqmswf, [("out_file", "inputnode.in_ras")]), (mean, iqmswf, [("out_file", "inputnode.epi_mean")]), (hmcwf, iqmswf, [("outputnode.out_file", "inputnode.hmc_epi"), ("outputnode.out_fd", "inputnode.hmc_fd")]), (tsnr, iqmswf, [("tsnr_file", "inputnode.in_tsnr")]), (sanitize, func_report_wf, [("out_file", "inputnode.in_ras")]), (mean, func_report_wf, [("out_file", "inputnode.epi_mean")]), (tsnr, func_report_wf, [("stddev_file", "inputnode.in_stddev")]), (hmcwf, func_report_wf, [ ("outputnode.out_fd", "inputnode.hmc_fd"), ("outputnode.out_file", "inputnode.hmc_epi"), ]), (ema, func_report_wf, [ ("outputnode.epi_parc", "inputnode.epi_parc"), ("", "inputnode.mni_report"), ]), (non_steady_state_detector, iqmswf, [("n_volumes_to_discard", "inputnode.exclude_index")]), (iqmswf, func_report_wf, [ ("outputnode.out_file", "inputnode.in_iqms"), ("outputnode.out_dvars", "inputnode.in_dvars"), ("outputnode.outliers", "inputnode.outliers"), ("outputnode.meta_sidecar", "inputnode.meta_sidecar"), ]), (hmcwf, outputnode, [("outputnode.out_fd", "out_fd")]), ]) # fmt: on if config.workflow.fft_spikes_detector: # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (iqmswf, func_report_wf, [ ("outputnode.out_spikes", "inputnode.in_spikes"), ("outputnode.out_fft", "inputnode.in_fft"), ]), ]) # fmt: on # population specific changes to brain masking if config.workflow.species == "human": skullstrip_epi = fmri_bmsk_workflow() # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (mean, skullstrip_epi, [("out_file", "inputnode.in_file")]), (skullstrip_epi, ema, [("outputnode.out_file", "inputnode.epi_mask")]), (skullstrip_epi, iqmswf, [("outputnode.out_file", "inputnode.brainmask")]), (skullstrip_epi, func_report_wf, [("outputnode.out_file", "inputnode.brainmask")]), ]) # fmt: on else: from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base import _binarize binarise_labels = pe.Node( niu.Function( input_names=["in_file", "threshold"], output_names=["out_file"], function=_binarize, ), name="binarise_labels", ) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (ema, binarise_labels, [("outputnode.epi_parc", "in_file")]), (binarise_labels, iqmswf, [("out_file", "inputnode.brainmask")]), (binarise_labels, func_report_wf, [("out_file", "inputnode.brainmask")]) ]) # fmt: on # Upload metrics if not config.execution.no_sub: from mriqc.interfaces.webapi import UploadIQMs upldwf = pe.Node(UploadIQMs( endpoint=config.execution.webapi_url, auth_token=config.execution.webapi_token, strict=config.execution.upload_strict, ), name="UploadMetrics") # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (iqmswf, upldwf, [("outputnode.out_file", "in_iqms")]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow
def compute_iqms(name="ComputeIQMs"): """ Initialize the workflow that actually computes the IQMs. .. workflow:: from mriqc.workflows.functional.base import compute_iqms from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = compute_iqms() """ from nipype.algorithms.confounds import ComputeDVARS from nipype.interfaces.afni import OutlierCount, QualityIndex from niworkflows.interfaces.bids import ReadSidecarJSON from mriqc.interfaces import FunctionalQC, IQMFileSink from mriqc.interfaces.reports import AddProvenance from mriqc.interfaces.transitional import GCOR from mriqc.workflows.utils import _tofloat, get_fwhmx mem_gb = config.workflow.biggest_file_gb workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ "in_file", "in_ras", "epi_mean", "brainmask", "hmc_epi", "hmc_fd", "fd_thres", "in_tsnr", "metadata", "exclude_index", ] ), name="inputnode", ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ "out_file", "out_dvars", "outliers", "out_spikes", "out_fft", "meta_sidecar", ] ), name="outputnode", ) # Set FD threshold inputnode.inputs.fd_thres = config.workflow.fd_thres # Compute DVARS dvnode = pe.Node( ComputeDVARS(save_plot=False, save_all=True), name="ComputeDVARS", mem_gb=mem_gb * 3, ) # AFNI quality measures fwhm_interface = get_fwhmx() fwhm = pe.Node(fwhm_interface, name="smoothness") # fwhm.inputs.acf = True # add when AFNI >= 16 outliers = pe.Node( OutlierCount(fraction=True, out_file="outliers.out"), name="outliers", mem_gb=mem_gb * 2.5, ) quality = pe.Node( QualityIndex(automask=True), out_file="quality.out", name="quality", mem_gb=mem_gb * 3, ) gcor = pe.Node(GCOR(), name="gcor", mem_gb=mem_gb * 2) measures = pe.Node(FunctionalQC(), name="measures", mem_gb=mem_gb * 3) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, dvnode, [("hmc_epi", "in_file"), ("brainmask", "in_mask")]), (inputnode, measures, [("epi_mean", "in_epi"), ("brainmask", "in_mask"), ("hmc_epi", "in_hmc"), ("hmc_fd", "in_fd"), ("fd_thres", "fd_thres"), ("in_tsnr", "in_tsnr")]), (inputnode, fwhm, [("epi_mean", "in_file"), ("brainmask", "mask")]), (inputnode, quality, [("hmc_epi", "in_file")]), (inputnode, outliers, [("hmc_epi", "in_file"), ("brainmask", "mask")]), (inputnode, gcor, [("hmc_epi", "in_file"), ("brainmask", "mask")]), (dvnode, measures, [("out_all", "in_dvars")]), (fwhm, measures, [(("fwhm", _tofloat), "in_fwhm")]), (dvnode, outputnode, [("out_all", "out_dvars")]), (outliers, outputnode, [("out_file", "outliers")]) ]) # fmt: on # Add metadata meta = pe.Node(ReadSidecarJSON( index_db=config.execution.bids_database_dir ), name="metadata") addprov = pe.Node( AddProvenance(modality="bold"), name="provenance", run_without_submitting=True, ) # Save to JSON file datasink = pe.Node( IQMFileSink( modality="bold", out_dir=str(config.execution.output_dir), dataset=config.execution.dsname, ), name="datasink", run_without_submitting=True, ) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, datasink, [("in_file", "in_file"), ("exclude_index", "dummy_trs")]), (inputnode, meta, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (inputnode, addprov, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (meta, datasink, [("subject", "subject_id"), ("session", "session_id"), ("task", "task_id"), ("acquisition", "acq_id"), ("reconstruction", "rec_id"), ("run", "run_id"), ("out_dict", "metadata")]), (addprov, datasink, [("out_prov", "provenance")]), (outliers, datasink, [(("out_file", _parse_tout), "aor")]), (gcor, datasink, [(("out", _tofloat), "gcor")]), (quality, datasink, [(("out_file", _parse_tqual), "aqi")]), (measures, datasink, [("out_qc", "root")]), (datasink, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_file")]), (meta, outputnode, [("out_dict", "meta_sidecar")]), ]) # fmt: on # FFT spikes finder if config.workflow.fft_spikes_detector: from mriqc.workflows.utils import slice_wise_fft spikes_fft = pe.Node( niu.Function( input_names=["in_file"], output_names=["n_spikes", "out_spikes", "out_fft"], function=slice_wise_fft, ), name="SpikesFinderFFT", ) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, spikes_fft, [("in_ras", "in_file")]), (spikes_fft, outputnode, [("out_spikes", "out_spikes"), ("out_fft", "out_fft")]), (spikes_fft, datasink, [("n_spikes", "spikes_num")]) ]) # fmt: on return workflow def fmri_bmsk_workflow(name="fMRIBrainMask"): """ Compute a brain mask for the input :abbr:`fMRI (functional MRI)` dataset. .. workflow:: from mriqc.workflows.functional.base import fmri_bmsk_workflow from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = fmri_bmsk_workflow() """ from nipype.interfaces.afni import Automask workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["in_file"]), name="inputnode") outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["out_file"]), name="outputnode") afni_msk = pe.Node(Automask(outputtype="NIFTI_GZ"), name="afni_msk") # Connect brain mask extraction # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, afni_msk, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (afni_msk, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_file")]) ]) # fmt: on return workflow def hmc(name="fMRI_HMC"): """ Create a :abbr:`HMC (head motion correction)` workflow for fMRI. .. workflow:: from mriqc.workflows.functional.base import hmc from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = hmc() """ from nipype.algorithms.confounds import FramewiseDisplacement from nipype.interfaces.afni import Despike, Refit, Volreg mem_gb = config.workflow.biggest_file_gb workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["in_file", "fd_radius"]), name="inputnode", ) outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["out_file", "out_fd"]), name="outputnode") # calculate hmc parameters hmc = pe.Node( Volreg(args="-Fourier -twopass", zpad=4, outputtype="NIFTI_GZ"), name="motion_correct", mem_gb=mem_gb * 2.5, ) # Compute the frame-wise displacement fdnode = pe.Node( FramewiseDisplacement(normalize=False, parameter_source="AFNI"), name="ComputeFD", ) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, fdnode, [("fd_radius", "radius")]), (hmc, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_file")]), (hmc, fdnode, [("oned_file", "in_file")]), (fdnode, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_fd")]), ]) # fmt: on # despiking, and deoblique deoblique_node = pe.Node(Refit(deoblique=True), name="deoblique") despike_node = pe.Node(Despike(outputtype="NIFTI_GZ"), name="despike") if config.workflow.despike and config.workflow.deoblique: # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, despike_node, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (despike_node, deoblique_node, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (deoblique_node, hmc, [("out_file", "in_file")]), ]) # fmt: on elif config.workflow.despike: # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, despike_node, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (despike_node, hmc, [("out_file", "in_file")]), ]) # fmt: on elif config.workflow.deoblique: # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, deoblique_node, [("in_file", "in_file")]), (deoblique_node, hmc, [("out_file", "in_file")]), ]) # fmt: on else: # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, hmc, [("in_file", "in_file")]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow def epi_mni_align(name="SpatialNormalization"): """ Estimate the transform that maps the EPI space into MNI152NLin2009cAsym. The input epi_mean is the averaged and brain-masked EPI timeseries Returns the EPI mean resampled in MNI space (for checking out registration) and the associated "lobe" parcellation in EPI space. .. workflow:: from mriqc.workflows.functional.base import epi_mni_align from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = epi_mni_align() """ from nipype.interfaces.ants import ApplyTransforms, N4BiasFieldCorrection from niworkflows.interfaces.reportlets.registration import ( SpatialNormalizationRPT as RobustMNINormalization, ) from templateflow.api import get as get_template # Get settings testing = config.execution.debug n_procs = config.nipype.nprocs ants_nthreads = config.nipype.omp_nthreads workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["epi_mean", "epi_mask"]), name="inputnode", ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["epi_mni", "epi_parc", "report"]), name="outputnode", ) n4itk = pe.Node(N4BiasFieldCorrection(dimension=3, copy_header=True), name="SharpenEPI") norm = pe.Node( RobustMNINormalization( explicit_masking=False, flavor="testing" if testing else "precise", float=config.execution.ants_float, generate_report=True, moving="boldref", num_threads=ants_nthreads, reference="boldref", template=config.workflow.template_id, ), name="EPI2MNI", num_threads=n_procs, mem_gb=3, ) if config.workflow.species.lower() == "human": norm.inputs.reference_image = str( get_template(config.workflow.template_id, resolution=2, suffix="boldref") ) norm.inputs.reference_mask = str( get_template( config.workflow.template_id, resolution=2, desc="brain", suffix="mask", ) ) # adapt some population-specific settings else: from nirodents.workflows.brainextraction import _bspline_grid n4itk.inputs.shrink_factor = 1 n4itk.inputs.n_iterations = [50] * 4 norm.inputs.reference_image = str(get_template(config.workflow.template_id, suffix="T2w")) norm.inputs.reference_mask = str( get_template( config.workflow.template_id, desc="brain", suffix="mask", )[0] ) bspline_grid = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_bspline_grid), name="bspline_grid") # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, bspline_grid, [('epi_mean', 'in_file')]), (bspline_grid, n4itk, [('out', 'args')]) ]) # fmt: on # Warp segmentation into EPI space invt = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms( float=True, dimension=3, default_value=0, interpolation="MultiLabel", ), name="ResampleSegmentation", ) if config.workflow.species.lower() == "human": invt.inputs.input_image = str( get_template( config.workflow.template_id, resolution=1, desc="carpet", suffix="dseg", ) ) else: invt.inputs.input_image = str( get_template( config.workflow.template_id, suffix="dseg", )[-1] ) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, invt, [("epi_mean", "reference_image")]), (inputnode, n4itk, [("epi_mean", "input_image")]), (n4itk, norm, [("output_image", "moving_image")]), (norm, invt, [ ("inverse_composite_transform", "transforms")]), (invt, outputnode, [("output_image", "epi_parc")]), (norm, outputnode, [("warped_image", "epi_mni"), ("out_report", "report")]), ]) # fmt: on if config.workflow.species.lower() == "human": workflow.connect([(inputnode, norm, [("epi_mask", "moving_mask")])]) return workflow def _mean(inlist): import numpy as np return np.mean(inlist) def _parse_tqual(in_file): import numpy as np with open(in_file, "r") as fin: lines = fin.readlines() return np.mean([float(line.strip()) for line in lines if not line.startswith("++")]) def _parse_tout(in_file): import numpy as np data = np.loadtxt(in_file) # pylint: disable=no-member return data.mean()