Source code for mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base

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Anatomical workflow

.. image :: _static/anatomical_workflow_source.svg

The anatomical workflow follows the following steps:

#. Conform (reorientations, revise data types) input data and read
   associated metadata.
#. Skull-stripping (AFNI).
#. Calculate head mask -- :py:func:`headmsk_wf`.
#. Spatial Normalization to MNI (ANTs)
#. Calculate air mask above the nasial-cerebelum plane -- :py:func:`airmsk_wf`.
#. Brain tissue segmentation (FAST).
#. Extraction of IQMs -- :py:func:`compute_iqms`.
#. Individual-reports generation --

This workflow is orchestrated by :py:func:`anat_qc_workflow`.

For the skull-stripping, we use ``afni_wf`` from ``niworkflows.anat.skullstrip``:

.. workflow::

    from niworkflows.anat.skullstrip import afni_wf
    from mriqc.testing import mock_config
    with mock_config():
        wf = afni_wf()


from itertools import chain

from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms
from templateflow.api import get as get_template

from mriqc import config
from mriqc.interfaces import (
from mriqc.interfaces.reports import AddProvenance
from mriqc.messages import BUILDING_WORKFLOW
from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.output import init_anat_report_wf
from mriqc.workflows.utils import get_fwhmx

[docs]def anat_qc_workflow(name='anatMRIQC'): """ One-subject-one-session-one-run pipeline to extract the NR-IQMs from anatomical images .. workflow:: import os.path as op from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base import anat_qc_workflow from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = anat_qc_workflow() """ from mriqc.workflows.shared import synthstrip_wf # Enable if necessary # mem_gb = max( # config.workflow.biggest_file_gb['t1w'], # config.workflow.biggest_file_gb['t2w'], # ) dataset = list( chain( config.workflow.inputs.get('t1w', []), config.workflow.inputs.get('t2w', []), ) ) metadata = list( chain( config.workflow.inputs_metadata.get('t1w', []), config.workflow.inputs_metadata.get('t2w', []), ) ) entities = list( chain( config.workflow.inputs_entities.get('t1w', []), config.workflow.inputs_entities.get('t2w', []), ) ) message = BUILDING_WORKFLOW.format( modality='anatomical', detail=f'for {len(dataset)} NIfTI files.', ) # Initialize workflow workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) # Define workflow, inputs and outputs # 0. Get data inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['in_file', 'metadata', 'entities'], ), name='inputnode', ) inputnode.synchronize = True # Do not test combinations of iterables inputnode.iterables = [ ('in_file', dataset), ('metadata', metadata), ('entities', entities), ] outputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_json']), name='outputnode') # 1. Reorient anatomical image to_ras = pe.Node(ConformImage(check_dtype=False), name='conform') # 2. species specific skull-stripping if config.workflow.species.lower() == 'human': skull_stripping = synthstrip_wf(omp_nthreads=config.nipype.omp_nthreads) ss_bias_field = 'outputnode.bias_image' else: from nirodents.workflows.brainextraction import init_rodent_brain_extraction_wf skull_stripping = init_rodent_brain_extraction_wf(template_id=config.workflow.template_id) ss_bias_field = 'final_n4.bias_image' # 3. Head mask hmsk = headmsk_wf(omp_nthreads=config.nipype.omp_nthreads) # 4. Spatial Normalization, using ANTs norm = spatial_normalization() # 5. Air mask (with and without artifacts) amw = airmsk_wf() # 6. Brain tissue segmentation bts = init_brain_tissue_segmentation() # 7. Compute IQMs iqmswf = compute_iqms() # Reports anat_report_wf = init_anat_report_wf() # Connect all nodes # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, anat_report_wf, [ ('in_file', 'inputnode.name_source'), ]), (inputnode, to_ras, [('in_file', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, iqmswf, [('in_file', 'inputnode.in_file'), ('metadata', 'inputnode.metadata'), ('entities', 'inputnode.entities')]), (inputnode, norm, [(('in_file', _get_mod), 'inputnode.modality')]), (to_ras, skull_stripping, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_files')]), (skull_stripping, hmsk, [ ('outputnode.out_corrected', 'inputnode.in_file'), ('outputnode.out_mask', 'inputnode.brainmask'), ]), (skull_stripping, bts, [('outputnode.out_mask', 'inputnode.brainmask')]), (skull_stripping, norm, [ ('outputnode.out_corrected', 'inputnode.moving_image'), ('outputnode.out_mask', 'inputnode.moving_mask')]), (norm, bts, [('outputnode.out_tpms', 'inputnode.std_tpms')]), (norm, amw, [ ('outputnode.ind2std_xfm', 'inputnode.ind2std_xfm')]), (norm, iqmswf, [ ('outputnode.out_tpms', 'inputnode.std_tpms')]), (norm, anat_report_wf, ([ ('outputnode.out_report', 'inputnode.mni_report')])), (norm, hmsk, [('outputnode.out_tpms', 'inputnode.in_tpms')]), (to_ras, amw, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_file')]), (skull_stripping, amw, [('outputnode.out_mask', 'inputnode.in_mask')]), (hmsk, amw, [('outputnode.out_file', 'inputnode.head_mask')]), (to_ras, iqmswf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_ras')]), (skull_stripping, iqmswf, [('outputnode.out_corrected', 'inputnode.inu_corrected'), (ss_bias_field, 'inputnode.in_inu'), ('outputnode.out_mask', 'inputnode.brainmask')]), (amw, iqmswf, [('outputnode.air_mask', 'inputnode.airmask'), ('outputnode.hat_mask', 'inputnode.hatmask'), ('outputnode.art_mask', 'inputnode.artmask'), ('outputnode.rot_mask', 'inputnode.rotmask')]), (hmsk, bts, [('outputnode.out_denoised', 'inputnode.in_file')]), (bts, iqmswf, [('outputnode.out_segm', 'inputnode.segmentation'), ('outputnode.out_pvms', 'inputnode.pvms')]), (hmsk, iqmswf, [('outputnode.out_file', 'inputnode.headmask')]), (to_ras, anat_report_wf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_ras')]), (skull_stripping, anat_report_wf, [ ('outputnode.out_corrected', 'inputnode.inu_corrected'), ('outputnode.out_mask', 'inputnode.brainmask')]), (hmsk, anat_report_wf, [('outputnode.out_file', 'inputnode.headmask')]), (amw, anat_report_wf, [ ('outputnode.air_mask', 'inputnode.airmask'), ('outputnode.art_mask', 'inputnode.artmask'), ('outputnode.rot_mask', 'inputnode.rotmask'), ]), (bts, anat_report_wf, [('outputnode.out_segm', 'inputnode.segmentation')]), (iqmswf, anat_report_wf, [('outputnode.noisefit', 'inputnode.noisefit')]), (iqmswf, anat_report_wf, [('outputnode.out_file', 'inputnode.in_iqms')]), (iqmswf, outputnode, [('outputnode.out_file', 'out_json')]), ]) # fmt: on # Upload metrics if not config.execution.no_sub: from mriqc.interfaces.webapi import UploadIQMs upldwf = pe.Node( UploadIQMs( endpoint=config.execution.webapi_url, auth_token=config.execution.webapi_token, strict=config.execution.upload_strict, ), name='UploadMetrics', ) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (iqmswf, upldwf, [('outputnode.out_file', 'in_iqms')]), (upldwf, anat_report_wf, [('api_id', 'inputnode.api_id')]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow
def spatial_normalization(name='SpatialNormalization'): """Create a simplified workflow to perform fast spatial normalization.""" from niworkflows.interfaces.reportlets.registration import ( SpatialNormalizationRPT as RobustMNINormalization, ) # Have the template id handy tpl_id = config.workflow.template_id # Define workflow interface workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['moving_image', 'moving_mask', 'modality']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_tpms', 'out_report', 'ind2std_xfm']), name='outputnode', ) # Spatial normalization norm = pe.Node( RobustMNINormalization( flavor=['testing', 'fast'][config.execution.debug], num_threads=config.nipype.omp_nthreads, float=config.execution.ants_float, template=tpl_id, generate_report=True, ), name='SpatialNormalization', # Request all MultiProc processes when ants_nthreads > n_procs num_threads=config.nipype.omp_nthreads, mem_gb=3, ) if config.workflow.species.lower() == 'human': norm.inputs.reference_mask = str( get_template(tpl_id, resolution=2, desc='brain', suffix='mask') ) else: norm.inputs.reference_image = str(get_template(tpl_id, suffix='T2w')) norm.inputs.reference_mask = str(get_template(tpl_id, desc='brain', suffix='mask')[0]) # Project standard TPMs into T1w space tpms_std2t1w = pe.MapNode( ApplyTransforms( dimension=3, default_value=0, interpolation='Gaussian', float=config.execution.ants_float, ), iterfield=['input_image'], name='tpms_std2t1w', ) tpms_std2t1w.inputs.input_image = [ str(p) for p in get_template( config.workflow.template_id, suffix='probseg', resolution=(1 if config.workflow.species.lower() == 'human' else None), label=['CSF', 'GM', 'WM'], ) ] # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, norm, [('moving_image', 'moving_image'), ('moving_mask', 'moving_mask'), ('modality', 'reference')]), (inputnode, tpms_std2t1w, [('moving_image', 'reference_image')]), (norm, tpms_std2t1w, [ ('inverse_composite_transform', 'transforms'), ]), (norm, outputnode, [ ('composite_transform', 'ind2std_xfm'), ('out_report', 'out_report'), ]), (tpms_std2t1w, outputnode, [('output_image', 'out_tpms')]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow def init_brain_tissue_segmentation(name='brain_tissue_segmentation'): """ Setup a workflow for brain tissue segmentation. .. workflow:: from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base import init_brain_tissue_segmentation from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = init_brain_tissue_segmentation() """ from nipype.interfaces.ants import Atropos def _format_tpm_names(in_files, fname_string=None): import glob from pathlib import Path import nibabel as nb out_path = Path.cwd().absolute() # copy files to cwd and rename iteratively for count, fname in enumerate(in_files): img = nb.load(fname) extension = ''.join(Path(fname).suffixes) out_fname = f'priors_{1 + count:02}{extension}', Path(out_path, out_fname)) if fname_string is None: fname_string = f'priors_%02d{extension}' out_files = [str(prior) for prior in glob.glob(str(Path(out_path, f'priors*{extension}')))] # return path with c-style format string for Atropos file_format = str(Path(out_path, fname_string)) return file_format, out_files workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['in_file', 'brainmask', 'std_tpms']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_segm', 'out_pvms']), name='outputnode', ) format_tpm_names = pe.Node( niu.Function( input_names=['in_files'], output_names=['file_format'], function=_format_tpm_names, execution={'keep_inputs': True, 'remove_unnecessary_outputs': False}, ), name='format_tpm_names', ) segment = pe.Node( Atropos( initialization='PriorProbabilityImages', number_of_tissue_classes=3, prior_weighting=0.1, mrf_radius=[1, 1, 1], mrf_smoothing_factor=0.01, save_posteriors=True, out_classified_image_name='segment.nii.gz', output_posteriors_name_template='segment_%02d.nii.gz', num_threads=config.nipype.omp_nthreads, ), name='segmentation', mem_gb=5, num_threads=config.nipype.omp_nthreads, ) # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, segment, [('in_file', 'intensity_images'), ('brainmask', 'mask_image')]), (inputnode, format_tpm_names, [('std_tpms', 'in_files')]), (format_tpm_names, segment, [(('file_format', _pop), 'prior_image')]), (segment, outputnode, [('classified_image', 'out_segm'), ('posteriors', 'out_pvms')]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow def compute_iqms(name='ComputeIQMs'): """ Setup the workflow that actually computes the IQMs. .. workflow:: from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base import compute_iqms from mriqc.testing import mock_config with mock_config(): wf = compute_iqms() """ from mriqc.interfaces.anatomical import Harmonize from mriqc.workflows.utils import _tofloat workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ 'in_file', 'metadata', 'entities', 'in_ras', 'brainmask', 'airmask', 'artmask', 'headmask', 'rotmask', 'hatmask', 'segmentation', 'inu_corrected', 'in_inu', 'pvms', 'std_tpms', ] ), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_file', 'noisefit']), name='outputnode', ) # Add provenance addprov = pe.Node(AddProvenance(), name='provenance', run_without_submitting=True) # AFNI check smoothing fwhm_interface = get_fwhmx() fwhm = pe.Node(fwhm_interface, name='smoothness') # Harmonize homog = pe.Node(Harmonize(), name='harmonize') if config.workflow.species.lower() != 'human': homog.inputs.erodemsk = False homog.inputs.thresh = 0.8 # Mortamet's QI2 getqi2 = pe.Node(ComputeQI2(), name='ComputeQI2') # Compute python-coded measures measures = pe.Node(StructuralQC(human=config.workflow.species.lower() == 'human'), 'measures') datasink = pe.Node( IQMFileSink( out_dir=config.execution.output_dir, dataset=config.execution.dsname, ), name='datasink', run_without_submitting=True, ) def _getwm(inlist): return inlist[-1] # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, datasink, [ ('in_file', 'in_file'), (('in_file', _get_mod), 'modality'), ('metadata', 'metadata'), ('entities', 'entities')]), (inputnode, addprov, [(('in_file', _get_mod), 'modality')]), (inputnode, addprov, [('in_file', 'in_file'), ('airmask', 'air_msk'), ('rotmask', 'rot_msk')]), (inputnode, getqi2, [('in_ras', 'in_file'), ('hatmask', 'air_msk')]), (inputnode, homog, [('inu_corrected', 'in_file'), (('pvms', _getwm), 'wm_mask')]), (inputnode, measures, [('in_inu', 'in_bias'), ('in_ras', 'in_file'), ('airmask', 'air_msk'), ('headmask', 'head_msk'), ('artmask', 'artifact_msk'), ('rotmask', 'rot_msk'), ('segmentation', 'in_segm'), ('pvms', 'in_pvms'), ('std_tpms', 'mni_tpms')]), (inputnode, fwhm, [('in_ras', 'in_file'), ('brainmask', 'mask')]), (homog, measures, [('out_file', 'in_noinu')]), (fwhm, measures, [(('fwhm', _tofloat), 'in_fwhm')]), (measures, datasink, [('out_qc', 'root')]), (addprov, datasink, [('out_prov', 'provenance')]), (getqi2, datasink, [('qi2', 'qi_2')]), (getqi2, outputnode, [('out_file', 'noisefit')]), (datasink, outputnode, [('out_file', 'out_file')]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow def headmsk_wf(name='HeadMaskWorkflow', omp_nthreads=1): """ Computes a head mask as in [Mortamet2009]_. .. workflow:: from mriqc.testing import mock_config from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base import headmsk_wf with mock_config(): wf = headmsk_wf() """ from niworkflows.interfaces.nibabel import ApplyMask workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['in_file', 'brainmask', 'in_tpms']), name='inputnode' ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_file', 'out_denoised']), name='outputnode' ) def _select_wm(inlist): return [f for f in inlist if 'WM' in f][0] enhance = pe.Node( niu.Function( input_names=['in_file', 'wm_tpm'], output_names=['out_file'], function=_enhance, ), name='Enhance', num_threads=omp_nthreads, ) gradient = pe.Node( niu.Function( input_names=['in_file', 'brainmask', 'sigma'], output_names=['out_file'], function=image_gradient, ), name='Grad', num_threads=omp_nthreads, ) thresh = pe.Node( niu.Function( input_names=['in_file', 'brainmask', 'aniso', 'thresh'], output_names=['out_file'], function=gradient_threshold, ), name='GradientThreshold', num_threads=omp_nthreads, ) if config.workflow.species != 'human': gradient.inputs.sigma = 3.0 thresh.inputs.aniso = True thresh.inputs.thresh = 4.0 apply_mask = pe.Node(ApplyMask(), name='apply_mask') # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, enhance, [('in_file', 'in_file'), (('in_tpms', _select_wm), 'wm_tpm')]), (inputnode, thresh, [('brainmask', 'brainmask')]), (inputnode, gradient, [('brainmask', 'brainmask')]), (inputnode, apply_mask, [('brainmask', 'in_mask')]), (enhance, gradient, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (gradient, thresh, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (enhance, apply_mask, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (thresh, outputnode, [('out_file', 'out_file')]), (apply_mask, outputnode, [('out_file', 'out_denoised')]), ]) # fmt: on return workflow def airmsk_wf(name='AirMaskWorkflow'): """ Calculate air, artifacts and "hat" masks to evaluate noise in the background. This workflow mostly addresses the implementation of Step 1 in [Mortamet2009]_. This work proposes to look at the signal distribution in the background, where no signals are expected, to evaluate the spread of the noise. It is in the background where [Mortamet2009]_ proposed to also look at the presence of ghosts and artifacts, where they are very easy to isolate. However, [Mortamet2009]_ proposes not to look at the background around the face because of the likely signal leakage through the phase-encoding axis sourcing from eyeballs (and their motion). To avoid that, [Mortamet2009]_ proposed atlas-based identification of two landmarks (nasion and cerebellar projection on to the occipital bone). MRIQC, for simplicity, used a such a mask created in MNI152NLin2009cAsym space and projected it on to the individual. Such a solution is inadequate because it doesn't drop full in-plane slices as there will be a large rotation of the individual's tilt of the head with respect to the template. The new implementation (23.1.x series) follows [Mortamet2009]_ more closely, projecting the two landmarks from the template space and leveraging *NiTransforms* to do that. .. workflow:: from mriqc.testing import mock_config from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base import airmsk_wf with mock_config(): wf = airmsk_wf() """ workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ 'in_file', 'in_mask', 'head_mask', 'ind2std_xfm', ] ), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['hat_mask', 'air_mask', 'art_mask', 'rot_mask']), name='outputnode', ) rotmsk = pe.Node(RotationMask(), name='RotationMask') qi1 = pe.Node(ArtifactMask(), name='ArtifactMask') # fmt: off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, rotmsk, [('in_file', 'in_file')]), (inputnode, qi1, [('in_file', 'in_file'), ('head_mask', 'head_mask'), ('ind2std_xfm', 'ind2std_xfm')]), (qi1, outputnode, [('out_hat_msk', 'hat_mask'), ('out_air_msk', 'air_mask'), ('out_art_msk', 'art_mask')]), (rotmsk, outputnode, [('out_file', 'rot_mask')]) ]) # fmt: on return workflow def _binarize(in_file, threshold=0.5, out_file=None): import os.path as op import nibabel as nb import numpy as np if out_file is None: fname, ext = op.splitext(op.basename(in_file)) if ext == '.gz': fname, ext2 = op.splitext(fname) ext = ext2 + ext out_file = op.abspath(f'{fname}_bin{ext}') nii = nb.load(in_file) data = nii.get_fdata() > threshold hdr = nii.header.copy() hdr.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) nb.Nifti1Image(data.astype(np.uint8), nii.affine, hdr).to_filename(out_file) return out_file def _enhance(in_file, wm_tpm, out_file=None): import nibabel as nb import numpy as np from mriqc.workflows.utils import generate_filename imnii = nb.load(in_file) data = imnii.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) range_max = np.percentile(data[data > 0], 99.98) excess = data > range_max wm_prob = nb.load(wm_tpm).get_fdata() wm_prob[wm_prob < 0] = 0 # Ensure no negative values wm_prob[excess] = 0 # Ensure no outliers are considered # Calculate weighted mean and standard deviation wm_mu = np.average(data, weights=wm_prob) wm_sigma = np.sqrt(np.average((data - wm_mu) ** 2, weights=wm_prob)) # Resample signal excess pixels data[excess] = np.random.normal(loc=wm_mu, scale=wm_sigma, size=excess.sum()) out_file = out_file or str(generate_filename(in_file, suffix='enhanced').absolute()) nb.Nifti1Image(data, imnii.affine, imnii.header).to_filename(out_file) return out_file def image_gradient(in_file, brainmask, sigma=4.0, out_file=None): """Computes the magnitude gradient of an image using numpy""" import nibabel as nb import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_gradient_magnitude as gradient from mriqc.workflows.utils import generate_filename imnii = nb.load(in_file) mask = np.bool_(nb.load(brainmask).dataobj) data = imnii.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) datamax = np.percentile(data.reshape(-1), 99.5) data *= 100 / datamax data[mask] = 100 zooms = np.array(imnii.header.get_zooms()[:3]) sigma_xyz = 2 - zooms / min(zooms) grad = gradient(data, sigma * sigma_xyz) gradmax = np.percentile(grad.reshape(-1), 99.5) grad *= 100.0 grad /= gradmax grad[mask] = 100 out_file = out_file or str(generate_filename(in_file, suffix='grad').absolute()) nb.Nifti1Image(grad, imnii.affine, imnii.header).to_filename(out_file) return out_file def gradient_threshold(in_file, brainmask, thresh=15.0, out_file=None, aniso=False): """Compute a threshold from the histogram of the magnitude gradient image""" import nibabel as nb import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage as sim from mriqc.workflows.utils import generate_filename if not aniso: struct = sim.iterate_structure(sim.generate_binary_structure(3, 2), 2) else: # Generate an anisotropic binary structure, taking into account slice thickness img = nb.load(in_file) zooms = img.header.get_zooms() dist = max(zooms) dim = img.header['dim'][0] x = np.ones((5) * np.ones(dim, dtype=np.int8)) np.put(x, x.size // 2, 0) dist_matrix = np.round(sim.distance_transform_edt(x, sampling=zooms), 5) struct = dist_matrix <= dist imnii = nb.load(in_file) hdr = imnii.header.copy() hdr.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) data = imnii.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=np.uint8) mask[data > thresh] = 1 mask = sim.binary_closing(mask, struct, iterations=2).astype(np.uint8) mask = sim.binary_erosion(mask, sim.generate_binary_structure(3, 2)).astype(np.uint8) segdata = np.asanyarray(nb.load(brainmask).dataobj) > 0 segdata = sim.binary_dilation(segdata, struct, iterations=2, border_value=1).astype(np.uint8) mask[segdata] = 1 # Remove small objects label_im, nb_labels = sim.label(mask) artmsk = np.zeros_like(mask) if nb_labels > 2: sizes = sim.sum(mask, label_im, list(range(nb_labels + 1))) ordered = sorted(zip(sizes, list(range(nb_labels + 1))), reverse=True) for _, label in ordered[2:]: mask[label_im == label] = 0 artmsk[label_im == label] = 1 mask = sim.binary_fill_holes(mask, struct).astype(np.uint8) # pylint: disable=no-member out_file = out_file or str(generate_filename(in_file, suffix='gradmask').absolute()) nb.Nifti1Image(mask, imnii.affine, hdr).to_filename(out_file) return out_file def _get_imgtype(in_file): from mriqc.workflows.anatomical.base import _get_mod return int(_get_mod(in_file)[1]) def _get_mod(in_file): from pathlib import Path in_file = Path(in_file) extension = ''.join(in_file.suffixes) return, '').split('_')[-1] def _pop(inlist): if isinstance(inlist, (list, tuple)): return inlist[0] return inlist