Group reports
Once a sample has been processed with the appropriate
workflow, all the IQMs
written out in JSON files are collected in a
CSV table, at the standard path
of <output-dir>/<modality>.csv
. Therefore, for structural
images, the IQMs will be found in <output-dir>/T1w.csv
Correspondingly, <output-dir>/bold.csv
is the designated path
for the functional IQM table.
The group report will process the <output-dir>/<modality>.csv
table to generate one strip-plot per IQM:

The strip-plots are interactive, so each sample (the value of a specific IQM associated to an input image) can be clicked to open up the corresponding individual report. This is particularly useful when trying to identify subpar images that show themselves as outliers in the general distribution of the IQM:

In this example, the corresponding individual report for the selected sample will open up (click here to see this example report).
The boxplots shown are Tukey boxplots, with median and interquartile range shown. Whiskers extend to the farthest point that is within 1.5 * IQR of the upper (or lower) quartile.